Kraftbalanse (konsert) (2019)
With Jan Martin Smørdal
Oslo City Hall, 2019

Kraftbalanse (komposisjon for piano, vekselstrøm og orkester) / Power Balance (composition for piano, alternating current and orchestra)
Kraftbalanse is a musical translation of the hum from the mains; i. e. the frequency of the alternating current. The piece is based on the fact that this frequency is not stable, it fluctuates subtly around 50 Hz as a direct result of supply and demand in the power market.
The composition consists of a self-resonating piano that is tuned to resonate on 50 hz and overtones of 50 hz (100 Hz, 150 Hz, 200 Hz etc.) The piano is fitted with vibration-elements – transducers – plugged directly into the electrical grid, causing the resonance and timbre of the piano to change with the fluctuations on the power market.
The piano is accompanied by a string octet. The musicians are equipped with voltmeters that measure the frequency of the current in real time, as well as a score of instructions on how to respond to changes in this frequency.
Collaboration with Jan Martin Smørdal.
Performed in Oslo City hall aspart of Oslobiennalen First Edition and Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival.
Performed by Vilde Sandve Alnæs, Miriam Bergset, Ragnhild Lien, Julija Morgan, Torunn Blåsmo-Falnes, Tove Bagge, Sverre Kyvik Bauge & Inga Margrete Aas